“Elvis” was our (Auvale Family) pet dog, however he was much more than just a pet dog. Elvis was the fundamental source of support for not just our family, but also for our friends, neighbours and others that have met him.

Elvis knew when you were happy, distraught, excited or sad, he could feel every emotion from anyone near him. He was always in sight whenever you needed/wanted him and he never expected anything back in return, he would be happy once he saw that you were okay.

Sadly, Elvis passed away on the 5th of June 2022, and every day since we strive to honour his life by supporting others the way he would. When in a crisis we often think “What would Elvis do?” A calm dog that always knew what to do for others during tough times and gave all his happiness to celebrate the highs too. This is what our team ‘Elvis Support Services’ aspires to be for others; Persistent, Protective, Present and always Patient.